Snowed In On Valentine’s Day by Alana Highbury

Valentine's day just came a few days ago so I wanted to read a light-hearted book, and I found this book while I was browsing in NetGalley! This book is like a Hallmark story that you're reading instead of watching. It was cute, fun, and sweet.This book had grumpy-sunshine, enemies to lovers, and forced proximity … Continue reading Snowed In On Valentine’s Day by Alana Highbury

Books by Palestinian Authors

I recently was strolling a river nearby, and while I was observing ducks and swans, I realized that the privilege of breathing clean air and immersing myself in nature, seemingly an everyday occurrence for me, represents a heavenly experience for those enduring the harsh realities of war and genocide. Amidst the ongoing genocide in Palestine, I … Continue reading Books by Palestinian Authors