The Human Behind This Blog – An Introduction

Hey there book lovers! I want to introduce you to the human typing these words at this very moment, and make sure you know this is written by a human and not a robot!


My name is Astri, and I love reading! I’m Indonesian and fun fact, I’m also a veterinarian. I enjoy reading all genres of books, ranging from young adult fiction to self-help/business books. I don’t have a specific requirement for the books I read, I simply choose them if I think the story is good or if I feel I can learn from it to improve myself. If you ask me my favourite author or book, it would be a tough question for me to answer. I have too many in my list!

However, if I have to choose only one, I think my choice is Harry Potter. No matter how many times I reread it, I will always be engrossed in JK Rowling’s writing. To this day, I am still waiting for my Hogwarts letter and wondering if the owl sent to deliver it to me is okay! I believe the books were also the ones that instilled my love of reading.


Aside from books, I love cats. I am definitely a cat person. I’m not saying I don’t like dogs but I just prefer the company of cats. To me, cats are furry and majestic creatures that do the best thing an animal can do: purr. I mean, purring has a calming effect and can lower your blood pressure! How amazing, right?

Well, I’m not going to ramble on about cats, since this is an introduction post after all. Anyway, there you have it, a short introduction for you. I hope you’re all doing well and having a wonderful day or night wherever you are!😊

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