Becoming by Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama’s memoir, “Becoming,” is a personal and well-crafted narrative that offers an intimate glimpse into her life, from her childhood in Chicago to her years as First Lady of the United States. The book provides details of her and Barack Obama’s political journey and highlighting the significant milestones and challenges they faced along the way.

Michelle Obama reveals how she balanced her life as a wife, mother, and FLOTUS. She also illustrates how political agendas can be advanced through movies and popular culture, which I think reinforces the notion that governments can influence public perception and opinion to shape narratives to align with their goals. This memoir sheds light on the privileged position that they had, even before their time at the White House. While Michelle’s story emphasizes on her perseverance and breaking barriers, it also shows their advantages which may not be accessible to the average person, particularly Barack’s education in which his mother sent him back to Hawaii to pursue a better one than in Indonesia. As a reader, this made me wonder about the socio-economic factors that influences political success. Would he have become POTUS if he stayed in Indonesia?

Overall, Michelle Obama’s eloquent storytelling and reflections make this a compelling read for anyone who is or isn’t interested in politics.

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